5 Easy-ways to stop fires in Commercial Establishments.
Fire stands as the greatest discovery of mankind. It propelled Homo Sapiens to wield an upper hand against wild animals, establish dominance and discover cooking. However, the behemoth that brought us where we are today has turned villainous and can be quite destructive if left unchecked
We’re sure you’ve heard of the phrase- spreading like fire.
Offices, it turns out, are quite susceptible to fires. The civilized and structural workplace breeds fire in the most unusual manners. A partially smoked cigarette in the dustbin or a burger that exceeds the time limit in the microwave can cause a whirlwind of smoke and suffocate you to death,absence of a rehearsed fire drill and god forbid short circuits,these are major reasons for an outbreak.
Here are five ways you can prevent office fires:
- Have the right equipment:
The law requires buildings and apartments to install fire extinguishers at accessible points to stop the fire as soon as possible. But having the right extinguisher is crucial in order to evade different classes of fire.

- Check the wires:
An office has electronic devices, Computers, copiers, scanners, fax machines, telephones, cameras and so on. All of them operate on electricity that runs through the wires. It makes for a messy picture and will be worse if these wires are not periodically checked for wear and tear, insulation and overloading plug sockets. Negligence in maintenance could prove costly and even fatal to any individual that is in close proximity to his electronic device. It is imperative for the company to conduct tests on all the wires and maintain them.
- Put out the cigarette
More than 1/3rd of the fire related deaths in commercial buildings can be ascribed to unstubbed cigarettes and careless handling of lighters. Offices should have separate smoking zones that are far away from the office. These zones must be accompanied with proper disposal units that are filled with sand, since it is a bad conductor of heat. Not only proper disposal but also maintenance of the said disposal should be dealt with seriously.
- Fire Drills
Being proactive is a habit and arguably the most versatile skill in today’s world. Every office should have mock fire drills once a year so that in time of a real fire the employees can co-operate and successfully evacuate themselves from the building. These fire drills should not be a powerpoint presentation. Powerpoint is boring. People should enact as if a real fire has started.
- Cleanliness is Godliness:
An office should be clean for a lot of reasons. The clutter of boxes, papers and other waste material can act as a catalyst for the fire and cause it to spread faster. Such clutter can also hinder proper evacuation by blocking exits.
It’s ironic that a discovery so profound has to be leashed for fears of environmental decimation.
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