5 Reasons why Biometric Identification is More than Just Fingerprints
5 Reasons why Biometric Identification is More than Just Fingerprints
The days of using your PIN every time you make a payment or unlocking your phone have become a thing of the past.Switching to biometric identification techniques such as fingerprint recognition validates the authenticity of the user. From maintaining the employees’ attendance to combating challenges of both online and offline fraudulence, biometric recognition systems have outsmarted every other security measure.
Why Choose Biometric?
Unique to the user
It is almost impossible to replicate a fingerprint and it never changes with time unless there is an unusual occurrence.
Customers often mistype or forget their PINs or feel skeptical to use it, Fingerprint identification eliminates such instances as the user is only required to use their fingerprint as their identity.
High Level security
Biometric authentication helps eliminate payment frauds such as card skimming, chip switching and shoulder surfing, etc.
Low maintenance
Biometric-enabled payment cards are more cost-effective compared to the maintenance cost of PINs and passwords.
Enhanced user experience
It allows the user to place their finger at any angle, so the card can always recognize the user no matter how they hold the sensor.
PIN authentication might take a few seconds or more if you use the wrong one whereas fingerprint recognition is a seamless, near-instant process. This will save a lot of time for both the customers and businesses involved.
Hopefully, the points discussed here will clarify most of your doubts to prefer biometric systems over other security measures.
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